
Advice Fatigue

Over the past few years I have worked with a few coaches on a one-to-one basis and as part of group programmes. They were great. I learned a lot and made huge changes and stretched myself.

And now? Now I am over advice. Any person who even looks like they might be telling me what I could do is put into some imaginary bin in my brain. No more advice please.

I’m totally aware I do it too! On my social media and this very blog I’m all advice happy suggesting that you might like to get some fresh air or give yourself a hug or write a compliment list. Put my hypocritical butt in your brain bin if you are all adviced-out too.

If you know why I’m feeling this way I’d love to hear your ideas (just not your advice lol) and if you feel the same tell me, I strongly suspect I am not the only one.

Personally, January was a total sh!t-meet-fan month and doing the pushing necessary to maintain normality despite it has brought me right to the end of my tether. Maybe that’s why I don’t welcome any more suggestions on what to DO. I’ve been DO-ing.

If we’re being honest here the last two years have been nothing but a keep pushing, get through it situation and all my push has gone.

We don’t always have to be in a state of growth and expansion.

We can be still, gather our strength, take stock of our situation and prepare for the coming season of growth. Not all four seasons of the year are about blooming. I’m noticing that the first signs of Spring are appearing but oh, so slowly. A little green shoot here, a tiny white drop there it’s unfolding just a smidge each day.

I’m reminding myself that I don’t need to be in full flourish 365 days of the year. The tree that will soon be laden with the pink blossoms I love so much is still bare. And it’s still beautiful.

Plus advice has a rather limited impact anyway. All I can ever really say is what has worked for me. You, being an entirely different human being with different experiences, interactions with the world and personality could do every single thing that I do and have a completely different outcome.

I can advise you to go shake it off when really what you need is a quiet place to sit in the dark for 2 minutes. My husband is a fan of naps. They ‘reset’ his brain and help him to function (and he’s not just being a cheeky git!) Naps make me feel grumpy and even more tired. So his advice for me to nap would be terrible and my advice for him to sing really loud for 10 minutes would be even worse, especially for those who had to listen.

So, my dear, there’s no advice from me today. If you’re tired of being told what you should do – I hear you. I’m tired too.

As always, you have my love.


Time is a frustrating and magical thing. We are often told it’s our most precious possession but I’ve yet to figure out how to possess it. 

When I’m binge watching Netflix or scrolling social media an hour only lasts 15 minutes. 

When I’m doing a chore or job I don’t want to do (I’m looking at you tax return) then an hour lasts DAAAAAYYYSSSS. 

There is a never ending list of “would like to”, “should do” and “could do” tasks and I find it so easy to become overwhelmed, throw my hands in the air and say

“I don’t have the time for that!” 

And sure, today I probably don’t have time for ALL the things. But here’s two truth bombs that I need to explode in my brain. 

Truth Bomb 1: A lot of that list is junk filler stuff because secretly I’m comfortable perpetuating the insurmountable to do list. Getting it done would be scary. What then?

Truth Bomb 2: I DO have time for the important things. Sorry, but admit it. 

Let’s say my list has these things on it

  • Write blog posts
  • Edit client A’s video
  • Book cute house for client B’s shoot
  • Find a networking event
  • Reply to enquiry email
  • Make a cute email sign off
  • Order frames for client C
  • Phone gallery manager
  • Email pdf guide and price list to client D
  • Post on Instagram
  • Redo my Calendly colours so it matches my brand

You may say that’s a really manageable list but I could easily look at that and EUGH declare to the sky that I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT. Because, let’s face it, I’m also doing 3 loads of washing, picking up kids from school, phoning my sister, walking the dog, cleaning the bathroom and ordering a replacement charger for the laptop (4th one in the last year). Gender-based chore inequities aside, the foot stomping Rachel child who glances over that and says nope needs those truth bombs. 

Truth Bomb 1: I would like to find a networking event for later in the year. I don’t actually have to do that today. Redoing Calendly colours isn’t really important is it Rach? Scratch it.  Ditto for the email sign off. 

That’s better already. So much of the to do list is a strange kind of “should” do list. But it’s not OUR shoulds – it’s someone else’s. Or, worse still, what we think someone else would say we should do. 

Hello perfectionism? Everything must be perfect before I do this little task. Get my website EXACTLY  right, have my funnel in place, redo the graphic here, tweak the image there. Get all that chatter in the bin if it’s stopping you from actually DOING the thing. 

And that icky admission that my scary to do list validates me in some way? Put. It. In. The. Bin. I do not need to be overworked to feel like a professional.

I’m going to say that again a bit louder:

I do not need to be overworked to feel like a professional

Truth Bomb 2: You do have the time. Instead of saying “I don’t have time for editing client A’s video” try saying “I don’t prioritise editing client A’s video” and see how that lands. It’s not true is it? Really you’re saying the same thing but somehow we accept as a concrete truth that we just don’t have time. Cos today I found time to scroll Instagram. Tough love time, I prioritised scrolling Instagram over my client’s work. Ew. 


Sometimes you really, truly don’t have the time. So what then? First, can you drop anything off the list or push it back? Second, If you are in the position of getting someone else to help with your work or personal load then yes, yes do that. Ask for help, allow people around you to ease your burden. If you can’t have others help in either a free-cos-they’re-related-to-you or paid basis then consider how much you’re taking on and if it can be adjusted. Something will have to give or you will burn out and that’s no fun for anyone. What are you willing to give? Please let the answer to that not be your mental, physical or emotional health. 

Also, I’ve used Netflix and Social Media here as if they are “bad” ways to spend time. Our activities have no moral bearing on our goodness or otherwise. Netflix is a valid and awesome way to spend time. No judgement. No shame. 

Does any part of this ring true for you? Try out “I don’t prioritise X,Y,Z” with your to do list and see if it changes the way you feel about your tasks and let me know. 

Love you x

Michelle’s Brand Shoot

Michelle has absolutely grafted in the corporate world her entire working life. Following the rules and operating within the parameters of Human Resources but more and more feeling like there was a lot of human missing from H.R.

So she did what so many epic women have done, she pivoted, reinvented her career and made things better.

Now she supports business in a more WHOLEistic way that not only makes her feel better but truly helps the people who use her service.

Michelle’s main goal was to mix the two sides of herself: the professional and the heart-led. In a world where we are told that you can’t be both things Michelle was eager to show you definitely can be. Smart and soft, professional and caring, organised and empathetic.

The world would say that one is masculine and the other feminine. So should she choose power suits or florals? Well, we decided on both.

There was almost an element of permission given to do so. Michelle kind of sounded me out, suggesting that we might do something like that and I saw the relief and joy on her face when I said “Hell yes!” and dived into a mini rant on how we need to bring together those parts of ourself we’ve thought are in opposition but really can work together to our highest good.

So we went gallivanting down to the allotments where Michelle spends her spare time, walked along a gorgeous path through the wood and beside a pretty pond before heading into her office and finally down to the beach.

I have to mention we did stop for a delicious lunch to keep us fuelled half way through the day! Neither models nor photographers work well on empty tummies!

Along with beautiful headshots and amazing personal brand images perfect for website, social media etc. every person who books a full Personal Brand Shoot also gets a free library of exclusive stock imagery which is shot on the day. I had to try really hard not to just take and include photos of chives for Michelle, they’re so pretty and match her brand colours perfectly!

What would you wear for your personal brand shoot and where would our adventures take place?

Milk Baths

Have you heard of milk bath photos before? Of all the outrageous, creative, beautiful things I get to do Milk Baths are up there! And just like the rest of the outrageous, creative, beautiful things I do the reality behind this can be rather un-glamorous (and a tiny bit stinky!)

There are two options for creating that opaque-white milky water: milk powder or actual milk. I’ve tried both and a combination of both at the same time and my favourite method is just full fat milk.

The amount that you’ll need varies on bath tub size and the size of your model. When I was researching there was some guidance around having 9 inches of milky water using x number of milk cartons but that didn’t work for me because it takes different depths of water for different body types.

This was my first attempt with the gorgeous and heavily pregnant Sammie.

We used a couple of bunches of fresh flowers that I beheaded, poor little things, and scattered in the water after Sammie got in. For this bath we used a combination of milk powder and fresh milk but I felt like the milk powder was extra stinky. I wrapped Sammie in cheesecloth for modesty but I really loved the way the opaque water helped with that. The drawback was that the cheesecloth flowed really beautifully in the water but you couldn’t really see it.

Next up was the delicious Christine for her maternity milk bath.

I absolutely adore the lace gown she’s wearing as an alternative to nudity and the sunflowers are just perfection. For this one we only did milk, full fat and about 6 pints. What I’m not showing you is that after we scooped out the flowers I poured in a box of cheerios for LOLs – dude, I cannot even tell you how much a warm cheerio bath smells! Hilarious though! 🙂

Even if you don’t add cheerios you will definitely want to shower afterwards so you don’t smell of warm milk but the great thing is, you’re already in the bath and naked! I’ll just step out and do some tidying up while you rinse off.

Both milk bath clients so far have been pregnant but this absolute legend booked her own milk bath to celebrate her 21st birthday. I love the perspective and appreciation she had for her body, she absolutely understood that, whatever hang ups she may have, she will never be 21 again (and her skin will not stay that tight and smooth! haha)

I particularly love the photos with just the green leaves. Maybe it’s because green is my favourite colour or maybe it’s the contrast of her pink lips and the pale milk but I just adore it.

Next I really, really want to try bath photos with clear water though. I want to see the movement of hair, the ripples of light on the surface. Swoon!

Would you ever get in a bath of warm milk for the beauty of end result?

When your Business Evolves

Headshot of a smiling woman wearing glasses and a flowery dress on a pink background

Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan drops truth bombs like I drop my phone: regularly and with maximum impact.

One of my favourite things about her is how willing she is to evolve herself and her business. (This is where I remind you of my firm belief that those two things are not actually separate and self improvement IS business improvement.) That means that over the past few years we’ve had the opportunity to work together a number of times as I play my favourite position as support team member for Morgana.

So what happens with your old photos when your business shifts, changes and grows into something new?

You’re all excited to have gorgeous new media that shows off the amazing things you are doing and the message you want the world to know. Are the old ones now destined for the bin? I mean, people have already seen them and they don’t seem so relevant any more, right?


And do you want to know why?

Change is beautiful

Use your old images to show that growth! They’re still beautiful photos. People don’t want you to pretend that your history didn’t happen, that you’ve always been exactly the way you are now. Show them how you’ve changed, tell them why you changed, start a conversation, ask your customers and audience how they’ve changed.

Female life coach dressed in grey sits on a stool in front of a blue backdrop and smiles.

And remember, you wouldn’t only wear an item of clothing one time and then throw it away so people don’t see it again. So don’t do that with your photos. Post them again and again, keep using them and if you needs advice about how to do that check out this post.

Woman in a pink gown holds a wooden staff and stands in the forest. Her mouth is open and smiling

So Remember

  • change is good
  • share your growth
  • keep using your old photos
  • enjoy the evolution

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